Improve the Results Of Your Other Hair Loss
Treatments! VOLLUMA™ is safe to use with, and is an ideal companion
to, other hair restoration treatments such as hair transplantation, serums, and medications, maximizing your hair to look naturally
thicker and stronger.
Friends Will Think You've Lost Weight or Had A
Vacation! VOLLUMA™ is virtually undetectable - even from close up -
and unlike other products VOLLUMA™ is water resistant, giving you full
confidence in any weather.
Improve The Appearance of Your Hair Transplant! VOLLUMA™
has been extensively tested by International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
(ISHRS) member surgeons in clinics throughout Europe achieving impressive
results on transplant patients desiring to augment their hair replacement
surgery for even thicker hair.
Doctors Use VOLLUMA - You Should Too! VOLLUMA™ is often
recommended by surgeons as a non-medical option for clients who are unsatisfied
with the results of other treatments or who, for a variety of reasons cannot
undergo a hair transplant.
How is Volluma™ Different From Other Similar
Products? Unlike other cosmetic enhancers, VOLLUMA™ is wind &
water resistant so it "stays put" regardless of your activity. When applied as
directed, VOLLUMA™ will remain in place while engaging in sporting activities,
showering or even swimming!
VOLLUMA™ is available in ten natural hair colors, which can be used alone or
in various color combinations to match your hair color